Oil Spill Survey - Investigation
The term is usually applied to marine oil spills, where oil is released into the ocean or coastal waters, but spills may also occur on land. Oil spills may be due to releases of crude oil from tankers, as well as spills of refined petroleum products and their by-products, heavier fuels used by large ships such as bunker fuel, or the spill of any oily refuse or waste oil.
SSI Surveyor is to carry out important responsibilities as follows:
- Assist the Master and crew in order not to hamper the operation for the next voyage.
- Provides decision support to help the Master mitigate the effects of the oil spill and assistance in restoration efforts.
- Assess the impact on nearby wetlands and coasts.
- Map the presence of oil across the affected areas.
- Develop and apply, less invasive clean up techniques for sensitive habitats
- Ensure everything is in order in dealing the problem.