Dry Container / Reefer Container - Cargo Survey

The Container survey may be conducted onboard the vessel or at shore warehouse / terminals, to determine the condition of the cargo, ascertain the nature, cause and extent of the damage sustained, if any. In each SSI survey attendance they are guided by the following specification;
- If the survey is conducted onboard, coordinate with the master and chief officer in regards to your purpose.
- Conduct investigation on the cause of the damage, if any.
Obtain particulars of the shipment, gather relevant documents if any damage.
Reefer Container Survey
Check the reefer container for damages. Damaged reefer units must be rejected if the defects could affect the goods. Have the unit replaced.
- Every cargo requires a particular temperature (carrying temperature). Air supply in the reefer unit should be kept at that temperature. The return air temperature is more than the supply air temperature.
Importance of Humidity:
Without the proper level of humidity, vegetables, fruits and meat becomes dry due to the formation of fungus/molds. (85-95% humidity required)
- Humidity plays an important factor in refrigeration of cargo.
Storage of Cargo in Reefer Container:
- The pattern of cargo storage in the reefer container should be such that there is proper air circulation. Hence, it is necessary to verify the required opening percentage of the Airvent.
- The cargo should not be close to the door as it causes cargo deterioration and not to stow cargo above the red line limit level.
SSI will issue the following Inspection Reports as follows;
SSI Container Inspection Report
SSI Inspection Report for Cargo
Both reports are to be signed by vessel Master / Chief Officer or joint parties’ representative, if onboard inspection, and by the consignee if the inspection was carried out at the terminal or warehouse on a without prejudice manner.